Green Coding in web development is a fundamental part of Vast Forward’s sustainability strategy. Not only are we reducing the energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions within our company this way, but also across our entire supply chain.
Extrapolated to servers and devices worldwide, each line of code has the potential to lower the energy demand and emissions. If developers make their code just a bit more energy-efficient, the scalability effects can achieve a tremendous amount.
Extrapolated to servers and devices worldwide, each line of code has the potential to lower the energy demand and emissions.
Note: The CMS Wordpress automatically generates different sizes of embedded images, which are often not needed or used – these can be disabled.
Through plugins like Better-Image-Sizes, required image sizes can be generated on the fly and only in the needed sizes.
Various tools can offer a good idea of how a website is performing and whether it is sustainable. Some also provide direct suggestions for optimization opportunities.